By: admin
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, June 18, 2018
Aim Americas Trading, LLC has attended a tender in Consortium with Aquino Consultores Associados and Centro Brasileiro De Energia E Mudanças Climaticas for providing consultancy services for National Program of Touristic Development in Salvador – PRODETUR SALVADOR (Bahia State, Brazil) whereas Aim Americas LLC is the Lead Consultant.
The Municipality of Salvador received funding from the Inter-American Development Bank (8 10), for the National Program for Tourism Development in Salvador – PRODETUR Salvador and intends to use part of the resources for the selection and contracting of consulting services to prepare the Plan Mitigation and adaptation to climate change in Salvador – PMAMC.
Consulting services (“the services”) comprise:
(i) integrating climate change related issues into the municipality’s integrated development plans and programs;
(ii) ii) be equitable so that the emission reduction tasks are shared by all sectors and regions of the city;
(iii) iii) be comprehensive in covering all greenhouse gases, contributing sectors and in short, medium and long term terms;
(iv) identify areas where the development of partnerships is essential;
(v) use the guidelines proposed by C40;
(vi) vi) use a combination of approaches, including market-based measures, information and awareness;
(vii) vii) demonstrate the economic, environmental and social benefits of implementing the PMAMC for the city, for the population and future generations.
Through the Plan of Mitigation and adaptation to climate change of Salvador – PMAMC aims to build a consistent and robust set of studies on the existing climatic impacts, in order to create a database for monitoring and supervision of measures related to this theme and to the acceleration of more ambitious, collaborative and environmentally correct local climate actions.
This plan should support the Municipal Government in the implementation and operation of mitigation and adaptation actions to climate change, as well as in the structuring of the specific draft law for the implementation of the Municipal Policy on Climate Change. The preparation of the plan should be developed with the full and effective participation of the Municipal Secretariat for Sustainability and Innovation – SECIS.
The work will be carried out by the Contractor within 9 (nine) months and in accordance with the policies of 810 and the Term of Reference that will be sent after the formation of the Short List. The Secretary of Culture and Tourism invites eligible consultants to express interest in providing the services requested. The consultants interested should provide information indicating that they are qualified to provide the services.