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Pernambuco State, Brazil, August 28, 2017
Aim Texas has attended a tender in providing consultancy services for Update of the State Plan of Water Resources of the State of Pernambuco – PERH / PE, Brazil in Consortium with HIGESA ENGENHARIA AMBIENTAL S/S, LTDA (Salvador, Bahia) and GEOSISTEMAS ENGENHARIA E PLANEJAMENTO LTDA (Salvador, Bahia), whereas Aim Texas is the Consortium Lead.
The State of Pernambuco has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of “Pernambuco Sustainable Water Project”, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultant services that will have as its object the Update of the State Plan of Water Resources of the State of Pernambuco – PERH / PE.
The Project objective is to improve sustainable water supply and sanitation services for the population residing in the Capibaribe river basin and MRR.
Pernambuco State is in the center-east of the Northeast, having an area of 98,281 Km2 (plus the 18.2 Km2 of the Fernando de Noronha archipelago, which in 1988 was reincorporated into its territory. It is limited, to the North, with Ceará and Paraíba; To the West, with Piauí; To the South, with Bahia and Alagoas; To the east, with the Atlantic Ocean. Number of municipalities: 184. It is divided into three major geoeconomic regions: Litoral / Mata, Agreste and Sertão.
Pernambuco has 13 large hydrographic basins, six basins of small rivers and seven of the so-called small inland rivers. The tributary rivers of the São Francisco River (which divides the state with Bahia), such as Pajeú, Moxotó and others, have temporary regime. The rivers that are born in the Plateau of Borborema (like Capibaribe, Beberibe, Ipojuca etc.) are perennial in their middle and low courses. The main river in Pernambuco is the Capibaribe, which divide the capital, Recife.
In addition to these hydrographic basins, some municipalities in Pernambuco are cut by the São Francisco River, the most important in the Northeast. Geographically, our water courses are divided into coastal rivers (which originate on the Borborema Plateau and flow into the Atlantic Ocean) and sertanejo rivers that usually break into the São Francisco River.
Pernambuco is the seventh most populous state in Brazil, and has the tenth largest GDP in the country, and has the population of around 8.2 million inhabitants.
Pernambuco has a total of 87,317 km2 (which is the sum of the regions Sertão and Agreste) located in the so called Polygon of the Droughts, which, as the name already says, is the northeastern region subject to periodic droughts. This area corresponds to 88.84% of the territory of Pernambuco. The most critical part is the western region of the state (where there are municipalities such as Afranio, Santa Filomena, Terra Nova and Floresta), which has the lowest and most irregular rainfall: the annual average does not exceed 500 millimeters, with a High number of years in which the rains do not reach 200 millimeters annually and often occurring in a short period of 5 to 10 days.
The Water Resources Plan will be a master plan, elaborated by hydrographic basin for the State, that aim to base and guide the implementation of water resources policy and the management of water resources. The State Water Resources Plan will be the State Government program document, which defines official actions in the planning and management of these resources. Its elaboration should consider the guidelines of the Policy and the National Water Resources Plan, the water resources plans of the river basins in the area of coverage of the State and the sectorial plans that affect or are affected by the management of water resources.
Scope of Work
The services to be contracted are organized in eight major stages of work, articulated among themselves, to ensure uniformity of the information base and analysis development criteria, but oriented towards differentiated objectives. The steps correspond to the achievement of the following products:
Product 01 Proposal of methodological bases for the construction of PERH / PE.
Product 02 Diagnosis of Water Resources in the State of Pernambuco.
Product 03 Consolidation of the results of public consultations regarding the diagnosis of water resources in the State of Pernambuco.
Product 04 Proposed Prognosis and Scenarios of PERH / PE.
Product 05 Consolidation of the results of public consultations regarding the prognosis and scenarios of water resources in the State of Pernambuco.
Product 06 Proposed PERH / PE guidelines, programs and targets.
Product 07 Consolidation of the results of the public consultations regarding the guidelines, programs, targets and mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of PERH / PE.
Final Product Consolidated document, executive summary and PERH / PE database.