By: admin
Baku, Azerbaijan, June 30, 2015
Aim Texas – ICP Joint Venture Azerbaijan National Solid Waste Management development team has finalized & submitted to the Client (Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan Republic) the “Data Collection & Extrapolation Report (DCER)” that is the second deliverable of the National Sold Waste Management Strategy consultancy assignment.
The first output of the consultancy was an Inception report submitted in January 26, 2015. Upon client approval, the first phase of work commenced in February 2015 to gather information and generate baseline data from field efforts, research, and interviews and define baseline conditions of the solid waste sector in Azerbaijan. DCER covers that first phase of work.
The project area with respect of National SWM Strategy is entire Azerbaijan. However, the project area with respect of Pre-feasibility Study (PS) and Investment Plan (IP) is Great Caucasus and Kur –Araz (Aran) National Economic regions of Republic of Azerbaijan, and consists of five economic regions and 35 administrative units (rayons and towns which have separate administrative units from the rayons). While the project area houses 37.32% of total population of Azerbaijan, it covers 54.05% of total territory of the country.The study area of the assignment is shown in the following map.
This Report presents more than the data from the team’s field and interview efforts, coupled with data being collected by others in parallel efforts, and their related extrapolation of this data to create a national baseline and projections. It completes and synthesizes contextual information available from legal, institutional, economic, social and financial materials available. As such, this report presents all findings that establish the known baseline conditions of the national study area.
The work involved numerous field visits for the data collection efforts to:
- conduct interviews,
- complete a questionaire as a survey instrument with various local officials,
- perform weighing and sampling of waste, and
- gather information of existing budgets, expenditures, revenues, personnel, equipment, facilities, operations, and costs.
The average person outside of the 3 largest cities (Baku, Ganja and Sumgait) generates waste 0.15 tons/year, this is equivalent to a tariff of 23.5 AZN/ton for residences. The solid waste tariff is 45.5 AZN/ton of waste for non-residential establishments. The tipping fee for disposal at dumpsites is 5.5 AZN/ton. There is no tariff set by tariff council for street sweeping in the country as this activity is subsidized by the government throughout Azerbaijan.
The analysis is based on extensive data collection and dialogue with 11 pilot districts, and it is considered representative of costs in the areas outside of the 3 largest cities in the country (Baku, Ganja and Sumgait). The consutant team determined that only the capital investments made over the past 10 years still have useful life and conducted an in-depth review of all investments in our 11 pilot districts. Per ton capital cost fo solid waste management in the Country (except Baku, Ganja, and Sumgait cities) is US$23,34, and is distributed as follows according to cost items.