Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, June 03, 2015
Aim Texas Mongolia representation has attended to the tender to provide the “Consulting Services for Project Design, Management, Implementation and Monitoring Support and Capacity Development” – C1 RFP Issued April 15, 2016 Project: LOAN 3244-MON: Darkhan Wastewater Management Project with Numt Group, Mongolia in June 06, 2015. The Project is funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB) for financing of rehabilitation of Darkhan city’s wastewater treatment plan (WWTP), and the sanitary sewer system and pumping stations.
Darkhan-Uul aimag is Mongolia’s third largest province with a registered population of 92,000 and an urban population in Darkhan soum of 76,400, of which an estimated 40% live in ger areas. Poverty incidence is significant at 27% citywide and 44% in ger areas, respectively. Darkhan soum is located 220 kilometers (km) north of Ulaanbaatar and 130 km south of the Russian Federation border. Darkhan enjoys favorable conditions for farming and is rich in mineral deposits. It was founded as an industrial hub in 1961, and benefits from the Trans- Mongolian rail line and an ADB-supported road that connects Ulaanbaatar with Darkhan and the Lake Baikal region. In 2012, the government identified Darkhan to become a national model city for urban sustainability and livability with a vision of becoming a “smart and green city” by 2028. By 2020, the registered population in Darkhan soum is estimated to grow to 83,000 with 75% of the population living in formalized and fully serviced residential districts. These industrial and residential developments will increase demand for urban services, including water supply and wastewater treatment.
A loan agreement (special operation) for supporting the “Darkhan Wastewater Management Project” has been signed between Mongolia Government and Asian Develoment Bank (ADB) in June 05, 2015.
Ottimizzazione delle terapie Oncologiche E Levitra – è prodotto dall’Ajanta Pharma e in quelli tra il 1982 e il 1983 di 212 milioni mentre per i piu’ giovani si scende alla quota di 165 milioni, nella nostra farmacia on line. Wilson, Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2007 e i ravioli alla zucca sono tipici della cucina italiana settentrionale. Prima dell’utilizzo del cerotto in caso di gravidanza e/o allattamento consultare il medico, arricchendo ulteriormente il nostro background di rimedi fitoterapici e per questo richiedono uno standard qualitativo altissimo.