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Nepal, April, 2013
The Kabul (Afghanistan) representation of Aim Texas Trading, LLC has attended the consultancy tender in April 03, 2013 for TA 35173-012 NEPAL: Third Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project – 1, which will be funded by Asian Development Bank in association with Metcon Consultants, Nepal, Katmandu.
Following the First and the Second Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Projects (the earlier projects), the Third Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project (the project) will support the ongoing efforts of the Government of Nepal (the government) to further improve water supply and sanitation service delivery in small towns in Nepal.
The project will follow the government’s 15-year Development Plan1 (the Development Plan) to develop the water and sanitation sector for small towns.
The prospective Consultant will prepare a sector development plan and a sector road map for the sector project. One essential task the Consultant will undertake is to evaluate, on a sampling basis, the infrastructure proposal by the government in conjunction with the Consultant’s analysis of the existing water supply and sanitation situation for eight subproject towns (sample subproject towns), including five newly identified subproject towns and three subproject towns from earlier projects, determine the adequate subproject scope for the sample subproject towns, establish, as a result of the evaluation, feasible and prioritized selection criteria for the remaining subproject towns under the project, and assist to institutionalize the subproject implementation procedures. The Consultant will conduct surveys, feasibility analysis, financial and economic analyses, and social and environmental safeguard assessments in accordance with ADB’s policies and guidelines.