Maputo, Mozambique, September 29, 2014
The second bridge over the Zambezi River in the Mozambican city of Tete is due to be completed and delivered in September 2014, said the provincial director for Public Works and Housing.
Speaking to Mozambican daily newspaper Notícias, Luís Machel also said that as well as the bridge itself, which will link the city of Tete to the Moatize district, some 15 kilometres of roads on both sides of the bridge have also been outlined and land levelling work is underway.
The new bridge over the Zambezi River, in Tete, which has been under construction since April of last year, is located about 5 kilometres downstream of the current bridge, will be 715 metres long and 14.8 metres wide including both the road and pavements on either side.
The consortium that is building the bridge is made up of three Portuguese companies, Mota-Engil Engenharia e Construções, Soares da Costa Construções and Opway. Mota-Engil is heading up the project, which is estimated to cost 105.2 million euros including repairs on around 260 kilometres of roads linking the city of Tete to the Zimbabwean border.
Construction of this second bridge over Zambezi will reduce traffic on the Samora Machel Bridge, which recently underwent repair.