By: admin
Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyz Republic, May 05, 2016
Aim Texas Trading, LLC Overseas Management Group has attended a tender in providing consulting services for Jalal-Abad Solid Waste Project – Corporate Development, City Support & Stakeholder Participation Programmes (Project number – EBRD: 42472).
The City Administration of Jalalabad (the “City” or the “Client”) has approached the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the “EBRD” or the “Bank”) with a request to finance priority investment in solid waste management (the “Projects”). A senior loan would be extended to the Kyrgyz Republic and then on-lent to the City for the benefit of its municipal solid waste company, Jalalabad Spetzavtobaza (the “Company”). It is expected that the Projects would be co-financed with loan from the European Investment Bank (the “EIB”) and with capital expenditure grant by the EU’s Investment Facility for Central Asia (the “IFCA”). The proceeds of the loans and the grant will finance critical solid waste investments for the City of Jalalabad and its six neighbouring municipalities: Atabekov, Barpy, Tash-Bulak, Yrys, Kyzyl-Tuu, and Suzak (the “Municipalities”).
The Client now intends to retain a consulting company (the “Consultant”) to support the Company in development and implementation of the financial and operational performance improvement programme. Support to the City will enhance budgetary, regulatory and control and supervisory capacity. In addition, the Stakeholder Participation component will benefit both the Company and the City (the “Assignment”).
The expected outcome of the Assignment is Company’s institutional capacity is enhanced and Stakeholders’ Participation and City Support Programmes are implemented.
Part I: Corporate Development Programme for the Company
The Consultant shall support the Company to improve financial and environmental performance as well as service levels. Assistance would include corporate, financial and operational measures at the Company required to meet the related covenants included in the EBRD finance documents. This will be achieved via the development and implementation of a Financial and Operational Performance Improvement Programme (“FOPIP”). The Consultant shall also assist the Company to develop a medium-term focused corporate development plan and to establish its corporate planning capacity to assist their development towards self-sustaining entities with commercial operations.
Part II: City Support Programme
The Consultant shall assist the City to implement the public service contracts (“PSCs”), which will be a key component of the financial structure for the proposed Project. A related aim of the City Support Programme is to raise institutional capacity within the City to assist them in managing the Project in an effective manner as well as to raise their financial planning capacity and thereby improve their creditworthiness as well as their environmental monitoring capacity. The Consultant shall also assist the City and the municipalities in implementing measures to improve the regulatory and institutional setup in solid waste management as described in the feasibility study.
Part III: Stakeholder Participation Programme (“SPP”)The SPP is aimed at enhancing public ownership and awareness of solid waste management, increasing public participation in the provision of solid waste services and raising public awareness on issues related to the project implementation. Furthermore, the SPP will integrate poverty and social issues into the proposed tariff reforms and thereby assist the Company to improve their corporate governance. SPP implementation will also include assistance to the Company in finalisation and implementation of the Stakeholder Engagement Plans (“SEPs”) developed during the Feasibility Study phase.
Jalal-Abad is the administrative and economic center of Jalal-Abad Region in southwestern Kyrgyzstan. Its area is 88 square km, and its population is over 105,000 by 2015. The terrain elevation in Jalal-Abad city and suburbs is about 770 m above mean sea level.
The city is the administrative center of the Jalal-Abad Province (Oblast) including 8 Districts. The city surroundings belong to the Suzak District of the Jalal-Abad Province. The administrative center of the District is Suzak town. Like many other districts in Kyrgyzstan, the Suzak District includes densely populated areas in flat parts of river valleys (about 30% of the province territory) with irrigation systems, mainly close to the border with Uzbekistan, and scarcely populated areas of higher-land pastures and mountains (about 70% of the province territory). Population density in the province is 200-500 persons per 1 km² within the valleys and 0-5 persons per 1 km² in the mountains. The average population density in the province is 26 persons per 1 km².