Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, November 17, 2015
The Aim Texas Overseas Management Group’s (AIMOMG) Kyrgyz Republic representation attended to the consultancy tender for Kara-Suu Water Sub-project – PIU Support including Engineering, Design and Contracts Supervision with the reference and project number of 413 and procurement number of 49157 in November 17, 2015, in Bishkek. The Project is funded by European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
The City of Kara-Suu approached the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development with a request to finance the rehabilitation of the water supply and selected wastewater improvements in the City.
Water supply operations in the Kyrgyz Republic are characterized by severely deteriorated assets for water supply and wastewater collection; very limited wastewater treatment; high operations and maintenance costs due to the deteriorated state of the assets; unreliable water supply and low institutional capacity to manage operationally and financially sustainable water supply services.
The city of Kara-Suu is situated in the south of the Kyrgyz Republic, not far from the regional capital Osh. The Kara-Suu Water Company, a municipal enterprise wholly owned by the City, currently providing water supply and sanitation services to 11,000 people.
The Project objectives are to: (i) rehabilitate the water supply system and selected wastewater improvements; (ii) improve billing and collection efficiency; and (iii) improve financial and operational management. The Project will lead to a reduction in operating and maintenance costs for water supply and reduce wastage of water.
The Consultant is expected to provide the following services:
- Overall project management support as required;
- Design of the works and preparation of the technical specifications for goods;
- Arrangement of preparation of the prequalification, if any, and tender documents for procurement of works and goods;
- Arrangement of the tendering procedure for works and goods, including evaluation of tenders and drafting tender evaluation reports;
- Administration of contract implementation including, where appropriate, works supervision or assistance with works supervision; and,
- Arrangement of timely disbursements under the contracts.
The Consultant will provide the Services in relation to the whole investment Project, including the portion financed by EBRD.
Market in Karasuu
Public Transport in Karasuu