By: admin
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, May 17, 2016
Aim Texas Overseas Management Group has been shortlisted in the tender for providing consultancy services for Preparation of Feasibility Studies and Designs for Improved Seismic Safety and Energy Efficiency of Schools and Kindergartens and Technical Supervision of construction in two cities of Kyrgyz Republic, Balykchy and Toktogul.
The project will be funded within the “ECAPDEV Project Preparation Grant” Urban Development Project, a World Bank support project. Client for this consultancy assignment is “Community Development and Investment Agency (ARIS)” of Kyrgyz Republic.
The Request for Proposals (RFP) has been addressed to the following shortlisted Consultants:
1) JV partners: Tima MuhendislikMusavirlikProjeveYonetimHizmetleri A.S. (Turkey) and OBS Proje |Muh.Mus.Ltd.Sti. (Turkey);
2) JV partners: “ALL Ingegneria” (Italy) & “AIRES Ingegneria”(Italy) and sub-consultant “CAI Consulting”(Kyrgyz Republic);
3) JV partners: Lithos Consulting Engineers (Greece) &Embiria Consulting Engineers (Greece);
4) JV partners: Impact Group Srl (Italy) and STEC Ingegneri e ArchitettiSrl (Italy)and IRD Engineering S.r.l. (Italy);
5) JV partners: Umar Munshi Associates (Pakistan) and PACE consultant PVT, Ltd (Nepal);
6) Aim Texas Trading, LLC Overseas Management Group (AIMOMG) (USA) It is not permissible to transfer this invitation to any other firm.
A firm will be selected under Quality and Cost Based Selection(QCBS) procedures and in a Simplified Technical Proposal (STP) format as described in this RFP, in accordance with the policies of the Bank detailed in the Consultants’ Guidelines which can be found at the following website: www.worldbank.org/procure.
The Government of Kyrgyz Republic (GKR) has applied for financing from the International Development Association (The World Bank) for the Urban Development Project (UDP) to improve access and quality of municipal services, and pilot energy efficiency and seismic retrofits of urban infrastructure in participating municipalities. This will be achieved through mobilizing financial resources to (i) improve access and quality of municipal services such as water supply, sanitation, solid waste management, basic social infrastructure, street lighting and municipal roads, and (ii) improve the energy efficiency of existing urban infrastructure such as municipal buildings, street lights, and water supply networks. The project is being prepared by the Community Development and Investment Agency which is going to be responsible for the preparation, coordination, project management and implementation. The current terms of reference seek assistance with the preparation of feasibility studies and designs for seismic retrofitting, repairs, and improving energy efficiency for a pilot project that involves four schools and two kindergartens located in Balykchy and Toktogul.
Out of six facilities, 3 facilities (two schools and a kindergarten) are located in Balykchy City, and the remaining 3 facilities (two schools and one kindergarten) are located in Toktogul City. Four facilities were constructed in the period from 1970 to 1975, one school was constructed in 1953 (K. Jakipova in Balykchy) and one kindergarten was constructed in 1981 (Kindergarten Ak-Tilek in Balykchy). These are low-rise buildings, two- and three-story high. The walls are of unreinforced brick masonry construction, and were built using either solid bricks or multi-perforated bricks. Wall thickness ranges from 380 to 510 mm. Floor structures are of reinforced concrete construction. Roof structures are typically pitched timber rafters and purlins supporting light-weight asbestos sheet or metal roofing. In most cases, the foundations are continuous reinforced concrete strip footings.
Balykchy Mausoleos
City Scape & Issyk Kul Lake in Balykchy City
Independence Day in Toktogul