Luxembourg, November 07, 2015
In EIB tender for Preparation of solid waste management projects in three regions in Moldova, 2015/S 132-241775, the following consultants are shortlisted.
1: | CEMI Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (HU) / Ramboll Danmark A/S (DK) / Ramboll South East Europe SRL (RO) / Technisches Büro für Umweltschutz GmbH (AT) |
2: | COWI A/S (DK) / GOPA Consultants (DE) |
3: | Egis Structures & Environnement (FR) / C&E (DE) / Egis Romania (RO) |
4: | ENVIROPLAN S.A. (GR) / LOUIS BERGER (FR) / Aim Texas Trading LLC (USA) / BiPRO GmbH (DE) / HPC AG (DE) |
5: | EPTISA Romania S.R.L. (RO) / EPEM S.A. (GR) |
6: | Gentek International Consulting, Environment and Engineering Ltd. (TR) |
7: | Sweco Hydroprojekt a.s. (CZ) / DEKONTA, a.s. (CZ) / Ircon, s.r.o. (CZ) / ECOREM NW (BE) |
Contracting Authority for this Tender is:European Investment Bank
The European Investment Bank’s operations contribute to the integration, balanced development and economic and social cohesion of the EU Member States by financing sound investment. In the Eastern Partnership countries, the EIB supports the EU Neighbourhood Policy by financing projects of significant interest to the EU.
Fully aligned with goals of the EU Neighbourhood Policy, EIB operations in Eastern Neighbours are guided by three high level objectives set in the External Lending Mandate:
- Development of social and economic infrastructure,
- Support of climate change mitigation and adaptation (including projects in renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable transport etc.); and
- Private sector development, in particular support to SMEs.
In this context, the European Investment Bank has established, in December 2010, the Eastern Partnership Technical Assistance Trust Fund (EPTATF). The Trust Fund is conceived as a multi-donor, multi-sector fund whose main objective is to enhance the quality and development impact of the Bank’s Eastern Partnership operations. The eligible sectors follow the general EIB external lending mandate objectives and include local private sector development, development of social and economic infrastructure as well as climate change mitigation and adaptation. The orientation of the coming years is to strengthen the Bank’s lending activities in the region, acting in complementarity with existing instruments and seeking coordination and cooperation with partner countries’ strategies and plans.
The EPTATF focuses on pre-feasibility and feasibility studies (FS), institutional and legal appraisals, environmental and social impact assessments, project management and borrower support throughout the project implementation process, as well as financing upstream studies and horizontal institutional activities. The following countries are currently eligible for technical assistance under the EPTATF: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
This Technical Assistance operation is funded through a grant from the EPTATF.