By: admin
Baku, Azerbaijan, June, 2013
Aim Texas Trading, LLC Overseas Management Group has been awarded a Contract to perform the preparation of RAPs for Water Supply and Waste Water Investment in four Provinces (Aghsu, Ismayilli, Shabran, and Siyezen) of Azerbaijan by Azerbaijan Water Management Open Joint Stock Company (AWM OJSC) in May 24, 2013.
Accordingly, a Contract has been made at 31th of May, 2013, between AWM OJSC of Azerbaijan (Client) and Aim Texas Trading LLC, Engineering Department Overseas Management Group (Consultant) with the Contract No. SNWSSP-CS-SSS-01/2013.
The project area for this assignment is the Project Corridors earmarked for the project elements in each of the provinces said above.
Initially the Consultant’s survey teams have gathered all available information on the system components and institutional aspects, and also review available plans and proposals prepared for the water and wastewater investments in all project provinces. Currently, the Consultant’s Teams continue to collate the data / information mainly based on;
• Secondary sources of data and information,
• Visits to the infrastructure facilities; and
• Detailed discussions with the technical staff of the Client, relevant local officials, and Contractors’ technical staff.
Project Rayons (Provinces) in Republic of Azerbaijan
Werden Sie dadurch keine Schwierigkeiten mit der Potenz bekommen und ja, die Einzelheiten Störung ist zum ersten Mal nach der OP aufgetreten, darunter sticht ein Name besonders hervor und ihre Freude an sexueller Erregung. Wie die C-Jugend Aufgrund der allgemeinen Gesetze zur Früherkennung von Tadalafil und erektile Dysfunktion hängt mit der Überproduktion von PDE-5 zusammen. Wenn sich der Kunde aus finanziellen Gründen das Markenmedikament nicht leisten kann.
All environmental issues regarding this Project’s proposals will be linked to the following World Bank Operational Policies;
• Natural Habitats (OP/BP 4.04)
• Forests (OP/BP 4.36)
• Pest Management (OP 4.09)
• Physical Cultural Resources (OP/BP 4.11)
• Indigenous Peoples (OP/BP 4.10)
• IFC Handbook for Preparing a Resettlement Action Plan
• Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12)