Washington, World Bank, September14, 2022 (Argentina)
On September 14, 2022, in response to request for Expression of Interest of the World Bank, Aim Texas participated, as a Sole Consultant whereas GAIA Consultora (Buenos Aires, Argentina) was the Sub-consultant, in a consultancy tender for Waste Management Study for the City and Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The project area is the whole City of Buenos Aires including Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA), and the Province of Buenos Aires. However, CABA is neither part of Buenos Aires Province nor the province capital; rather, it is an autonomous district. The 1994 constitutional amendment granted the city autonomy.

With 11% of the National territory, it is the largest province in the country, accounting for 39% of the population and contributing with 36% of GDP of Argentina. It is also the most important industrial region of the country, producing nearly half of the goods made in Argentina, thus positioning it as the district with the highest share of the national exports, contributing with almost a third of them.