April 30, 2020
By: admin
Washington, World Bank, April 30, 2020 (Khojasan Lake Clean Up & remediation)
Within the feasibility study assignment for clean-up and remediation of Khojasan Lake in Absheron Peninsula (Azerbaijan), performing following activities and reports are completed and submitted to the World Bank by PASECO – Aim Texas – HPC JV:
- Site investigation has been completed.
- Social surveys and second round of stakeholder consultations.
- Analysis of Remediation needs and alternatives.
- Urban development plan for Khojasan Municipal Area linked to Baku City Urban Master Plan, developing green remediation alternatives and constructed wetlands along the cost of the lake.
- Relocating alternatives for irregular commercial, industrial and animal breeding facilities around north shore of the lake have been assessed in accordance with WB ESSs,
- Establishment of a “Green Belt” buffer zone along the shoreline of Lake Khojasan has been proposed.
- Extending this Green Belt Buffer into a dedicated Waterfront Park along the Northern and Western Edge of the Lake, connecting the two sides of the Lake’s immediate context:
- Expansion of Public Facilities around the Lake,
- Establishment of Dedicated Commercial Zoning Along the “lynchpin” roads and Transport Hubs, where it is foreseen for increased commercial activity due to the new development – Expansion of the Transport Hubs to facilitate formation of Commercial Hubs.
Socio-Economic Analysis, including resettlement alternatives and evaluating the alternative locations new industrial cluster areas for informal industrial development in western part of the lake.