Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, February 11, 2015
Aim Texas Mongolia Representation has attended at a tender for consultancy services for Country Water Security Assessment in February 11, 2015 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The Project is funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB). ADB will provide technical assistance to Mongolia to support the Country Water Security Assessment.
A firm or entity, comprising a team of three international consultants and six national consultants will be engaged to support TA implementation. The firm or entity will be engaged in accordance with ADB’s Guidelines on the Use of Consultants (2013, as amended from time to time) using the quality-and cost-based selection method, with a quality–cost ratio of 90:10, and by inviting simplified technical proposals.
This assignment will be undertaken by a team of international and local experts made available by Aim TexasOverseas Management Group, Texas, USA and his local affiliate NUMT Group, in a field and support team composition that fully enables the satisfactory execution of work required for this Consulting Services.
Aim Texas operates a regional office through his affiliation company (Numt Group) in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia both for supporting its teams and professionals working in Mongolia, and establishing close relations with Mongolian professionals experienced on international consultancy works.
Through empirical observations in Europe, it is usually argued that a country may, with comparative ease, utilize up to 15-20% of the total available “blue water’. If a larger portion is to be captured, the technological and institutional arrangements have to be increasingly more complex and advanced.
History provides many examples of so-called hydraulic civilizations that highlight the tremendous potential of advanced waterworks.
Contamination in Orkhon River
Water Supply with a nomad family
Water Security
Los prospectos de Lee mas en puede encontrar en las páginas de esta farmacia. No tiene efectos secundarios visibles y las empresas presionan al máximo a sus empleados para conseguir los objetivos cueste lo que cueste.