Turkey, November 26, 2018
Aim Texas Overseas Management Group (AIMOMG) has attended a tender in joint Venture with EMTA Project Engineering Consulting Ltd. (JV member), Turkey in cooperation with KALI Energy Solutions – Training & Consulting, Turkey (Sub-consultant), whereas Aim Texas is the Lead Consultant in providing consultancy services for Consultancy Services for Preparation of Medium.
Term Development Planning and Financing in Metropolitan Municipalities for:
- GROUP l {Kahramanmaras, Kayseri, Malatya, Mardin, Mugla) (Ref. No. IB-Al.C3/l)
- GROUP 2 {Antalya, Balikesir, Denizli, Ordu, Van) {Ref. No. IB-Al.C3/2)
The Republic of Turkey has been allocated grant funds from the European Union lnstrument for Pre-Accession Trust Fund which are administered by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and executed by the ILBANK (“Recipient”). ILBANK intends to apply the funds to eligible payments for consultant services (“the Services”) to prepare integrated Medium-term Development Planning and Financing (MDPF) / (also known as Capital lnvestment Plans -CiP) for ten {10) selected Metropolitan Municipalities under Group-1 (Kahramanmaras, Kayseri, Malatya, Mardin, Mugla) and Group-2 (Antalya, Balikesir, Denizli, Ordu, Van) that will cover the following tasks:
- Review and summary of existing development planning practices and organizational structure,
- Provide various forms of capacity building and training activities to ensure enhancement of the development planning framework and timely development of the MDPF framework,
- Develop the MDPF Framework including organizational structure, MDPF policy, project selection criteria, implementation calendar and template forms,
- Support the preparation of the MDPF with analytic studies and by preparing and revising project requests of MMs’ units, affiliated utilities and companies (investment oriented),
- Prioritize project requests and match them with available funds,
- Support municipalities in involving the public in the MDPF Process,
- Prepare an integrated MDPF at city level.
ILBANK intends to award the services to be implemented under 10 (ten) separate contracts with their respective metropolitan municipalities. The estimated duration of services is 12 (twelve) calendar months.
Group 1 Cities