Tegucigalpa, Honduras, October 27, 2022
On October 27, 2022, Aim Texas Consultants, in response to the Expression of Interest by the Municipal Mayor’s Office of the Central District (AMDC), participated in a consultancy tender for the provision of services related to the “Study and Design for The Control of Pollution of the Sub-Basins of Guacerique and San Jose De Rio Grande” under the Project to Strengthen the Provision of Drinking Water in Tegucigalpa. This project is associated with IDA (WB) Credit- 6460-Hn. Aim Texas Consultants formed a joint venture with WAPCOS Ltd. from India for this tender. Additionally, ESA Consultores S.A. de C.V. from Honduras is engaged as a sub-consultant to Aim Texas Trading, LLC, based in the USA.
In the Central District Municipality (AMDC) of Tegucigalpa City, urban expansion is projected towards the western part of the city. This expansion occurs within the drainage basin of the Guacerique River, which supplies water to the Los Laureles reservoir and contributes to 30 percent of the city’s water consumption. Additionally, the city’s growth is also extending towards the southern area, within the San José de Rio Grande Basin, which eventually drains into the reservoir of the La Concepción Dam. Unfortunately, this growth has occurred in an unorganized manner, lacking proper territorial planning. Consequently, there has been inadequate management of water-producing basins, limited coverage of wastewater treatment systems, and insufficient provisions for the proper disposal of solid waste.
The Government of Honduras enacted the Drinking Water and Sanitation Sector Framework Law in 2003, creating the National Drinking Water and Sanitation Council (CONASA) as the planning body for the drinking water and sanitation sector.
The Framework Law ordered, among others:
- The decentralization of the National Autonomous Service of Aqueducts and Sewerage (SANAA), which managed and provided water supply services to thirty (30) rural and urban areas; and
- The obligation for municipalities to establish new autonomous service providers.
In order to strengthen the transfer process of the water and sewage system for the city of Tegucigalpa, the GoH, together with the AMDC and the financial support of the World Bank (WB), have created the Project “Strengthening of the Services of Potable Water in Tegucigalpa – the Project”.

Tegucigalpa is located in the southern-central highland region known as the department of Francisco Morazán of which it is also the departmental capital. Tegucigalpa is Honduras’ largest and most populous city with a population of more than 1.5 million. The Central District Mayor’s Office (Alcaldia Municipal del Distrito Central) is the city’s governing body, headed by a mayor and 10 aldermen forming the Municipal Corporation (Corporación Municipal). The City is located on a hilly terrain hemmed in by mountains, at an elevation of 975 masl.
Project Components
The project has three (3) components according to TOR, which are:
Component 1: Operationalization of UMAPS.
Component 2: Improvement of the water production capacity and efficiency of the distribution network. This component in turn consists of three subcomponents:
- Sub-component 2.1: Improving water availability.
- Sub-component 2.2: Strengthening the safety of the Laureles and Concepción dams.
- Sub-component 2.3: Developing tools for enhanced watershed management and climate resilience.
Component 3: Project Management and Technical Assistance.
The purpose of the TOR of this assignment is to address the specific components outlined in Sub-component 2.3 of the Project that this consultancy is aiming to fulfill.