By: admin
Washington, World Bank (Sint Maarten) July 08, 2019
Aim Texas Consultants have submitted a Quick Win report for quick win and emergency measures, and short and medium term solutions for improving the solid waste management system in Sint Maarten. The “quick wins” were crucial in buidling momentum within the project’s early life cycle and bolstering confidence and morale by demonstrating calculable effects as a result of their implementation. The consultants have also recommended “emergency measures” that are first and foremost implemented from the fundementals in order to forestall, mitigate, abate, or ameliorate certain pressing issues at hand.
Along with “quick Wins” and “Emergency Measures”, the report also discussed the “short term”, “mid-term” and “long term” solutions that are planning components of Sint Maarten ISWMS. These solutions are designed with a certain specificity and rigor that both defines itself apart from the quick wins and emergency measures in the method of application, time, and permanent investment required in implementation, as well as being prepared and carried out building upon an amount of research, knowledge, and on-site contextual information.
During this work, Aim Texas Consultants have reviewed all available data and information on solid waste management in Sint Maarten, and more than 1,000 reports, studies, and research paper on solid waste management for wider Caribbean region and other SIDS worldwide.
Research and review process have focused on the following topics in solid waste management:
1. Enabling framework options that are:
1.1 Institutional & Legal/Regulatory
1.2 Financial & Economic
1.3 Social Inclusion, and
1.4 Private sector involvement
2. Technical topics of solid waste management value chains that are:
2.1 Waste generation, waste characterization
2.2 Resource recovery (minimization and reuse), recycling and reduction of waste volume.
2.3 Waste collection and transport/transfer options, including separation at source, separate collection or recyclables, collection and transport system optimization and separate collection of special waste types such as C&D waste, hazardous waste materials (medical waste, industrial waste, etc.).
2.4 Waste disposal & treatment options, including waste recovery, composting and recycling options.
2.5 Options to overcome the environmental & social externalities, and
2.6 Disaster Risk Management as the area is a natural disaster risk prone area such as Hurricanes and strong winds, storms, storm surges, earthquakes, sea level rise, etc.
According to the base case scenario, the projected waste generation capacity is as follows: 85,000 tonnes by the year 2020, 92,000 tonnes by 2025, 99,000 tonnes by 2030, 106,000 tonnes by 2035, and 114,000 tonnes by 2040, respectively. This estimation includes waste generated by stayover tourism activity but does not account for ship waste, except for the boats moored in the marinas.
Waste Generation Rate (WGR)
Waste Generation Rate (WGR) has been evaluated for two cases of C&D waste is included or excluded.
Waste Generation Rates
C&D Waste Included C&D Waste Excluded
kg/capita/day kg/capita/day
5.99 3.53