- Water & Environment
- Management-planning-economics
- GIS & IT
- Industry & Energy
- Planning, Engineering & Supervising
- Feasibility Studies, Conceptual Design & Project Development
- Independent Check, Inspection & Assessment
- Master Planning, Urban Design & Landscape Architecture
- Sub-sea, Marine & Coastal Engineering
- Air & Land Transport Network
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Water & Environment
All peoples, whatever their stage of development and social and economic condition, have the right to have access to drinking water in quantities and of a quality to their basic needs.
UN 1977, Mar del Plata
We involved in bulk treated and raw water transfer schemes. Such schemes have been evaluated considering capital and operating costs, benefits, environmental constraints as well as operational, regional and political factors. Water supply projects undertaken vary widely and include;
- Studies, designs and construction supervision.
- Support to multi-disciplinary water sector projects with a typical emphasis on environmental improvements.
- Operational studies.
- Investment planning.
- Training and technological transfer.
- Project management.
- Post-project technical audits.
- Research, and
- Environmental and impact assessments, base-line studies.

Drinking water is only one vehicle for disease transmission.
Eighty percent of people without access to safe drinking water live in rural areas.
Know how to safely manage potential contaminants to protect water quality and learn how to conserve water with implementation of new technologies, increased efficiency of current water use, and adoption of cropping systems more tolerant of drought or limited water conditions.

To minimize the impact of insect and disease problems the importance of landscape diversity should be emphasized.
We provide research and materials to help you understand the value of natural resources and the value of good stewardship to ensure sustainability of those resources.