- Water & Environment
- Management-planning-economics
- GIS & IT
- Industry & Energy
- Planning, Engineering & Supervising
- Feasibility Studies, Conceptual Design & Project Development
- Independent Check, Inspection & Assessment
- Master Planning, Urban Design & Landscape Architecture
- Sub-sea, Marine & Coastal Engineering
- Air & Land Transport Network
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Independent Check, Inspection & Assessment
Development and verification of a generic framework for conceptual design is required in the early stages of project development. Each project is unique, with special local conditions for site, use patterns and social context. However, all projects need well structured project management. Careful project planning requires that the proposals have been properly costed at an early stage in order to set a budget for the project.
Some projects might also require further specialist input during the design stage. When embarking on the development of a facility project, careful consideration and planning is required to ensure the final product meets the original concept.