Katmandu, Nepal, December 12, 2020
Aim Texas Overseas Management Group (AIMOMG) has attended a tender in joint venture with Koltek Consulting Inc. ( Lead Consultant, Turkey), and Javed International Consultants (Sub-consultant – JIC, Bangladesh) and ERMC (P.) Ltd. (Environment and Resource Management Consultant, Nepal) in providing consulting Services for TA-6568 NEP: Priority River Basins Flood Risk Management Project – TACF TA Consulting Firm for Flood Risk Management and Asset Management Support (52195-001).

ADB is supporting the Government of Nepal to address flood risk in the Terai region through the proposed Priority River Basins Flood Risk Management Project. The project aims to reduce economic and social losses due to water-induced disasters in six priority river basins in the Terai region of Nepal. The project will focus on flood risk management for six priority river basins (subprojects) in the Terai: West Rapti, Mawa Ratuwa, Lakhandei, Mohana Khutiya, East Rapti, and Bakraha. These river basins do not have effective flood protection embankments. From 1991 to 2014, these river basins experienced 199 floods that reportedly affected 143,486 people and caused 273 deaths and the destruction of 4,284 houses.
The project is aligned with Nepal’s National Water Plan, 2002–2027 to reduce social and economic losses from water-induced disasters through blending structural and nonstructural measures.
The project also supports the operational priorities of ADB’s Strategy 2030 by.
- addressing remaining poverty and reducing inequalities.
- tackling climate change, building climate and disaster resilience, and enhancing environmental sustainability.
- promoting rural development and food security.
- strengthening governance and institutional capacity; and
- accelerating progress in gender equality by promoting women’s involvement in the community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM) activities.
The project outputs also contribute to ADB’s Operational Plan on water, 2011–2020, and Integrated Disaster Risk Management, 2014–2020.
The project will protect agricultural land and households in priority areas from a 1-in-50-year return period flood by constructing flood embankments, spurs, and outlet structures. The local response to flooding will be strengthened through the installation of flood forecasting and early warning systems (FFEWS) and CBDRM.