Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 21, 2020
Aim Texas Trading, LLC Overseas Management Group has attended a tender in association with Javed International Consultants (JIC – Sub-consultant) in providing consulting services for for Environmental and Social Management Consultancy (E&S Consultant), Ref. No: SP-06, WESTERN ECONOMIC CORRIDOR AND REGIONAL ENHANCEMENT (WeCARE) PROGRAM of Bangladesh.

This assignment will be undertaken by a team of international and local experts made available by Aim Texas Trading LLC, USA, and Javed International Consultants (JIC), Bangladesh (Local Sub-consultant), jointly and severally liable, in a field and support team composition that fully enables the satisfactory execution of work.
The WeCARE program is planned to have the following four distinct phases:
- Phase 1: Upgrading the Jashore- Jhenaidah road section as a smart, resilient and safe highway, and local economic infrastructure.
- Phase 2: Road Maintenance Financing; and Strengthening Road Sector Management & Institutional Capacity.
- Phase 3: Upgrading of Bhomra – Satkhira-Navaron road section as a smart, resilient and safe highway; and local economic infrastructure.
- Phase 4: Upgrading of Local Economic infrastructure.
The TOR of this assignment has been developed to seek the services of an Environment and Social Consulting Firm to undertake the following four tasks1 on behalf of RHD as part of the WeCARE Program:
- Update the ESIA and ESMP prepared for Phase – 1 (Jashore-Jhenaidah road section of the National Highway) of the Program based on the final alignment and detailed engineering design.
- Prepare the RAP for investments proposed under Phase – 1 (Jashore-Jhenaidah section).
- Conduct a Strategic Environment and Social Assessment (SESA) applicable for the entire WeCARE Program across the multiple phases to be implemented by RHD and LGED as well as the sections of the highway which will be widened with funding from AIIB.
- Conduct an ESIA and prepare the ESMP for Phase – 3 activities to be implemented by RHD (62 km long Bhomra – Satkhira – Navaron section of the National Highway).
The Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) will present an opportunity to assess and analyze a full range of E&S risks and impacts and propose strategic recommendations for policies and programs that will guide environmental and socio-economic planning and investments by RHD and LGED in the Western region of Bangladesh.