Bolivia, September 24, 2018
Aim Americas Trading, LLC has attended a tender in providing consulting services for Supervision of Works for the Project: “EXPANSION OF THE DRINKING WATER SYSTEM VILLAZÓN, POTOSÍ” which aims at the technical supervision of the project of construction of a drinking water system in the city of Villazón, Bolivia, for an estimated period of 15 months, in consortium with Aguilar y Asociados S.R.L. (Bolivia), whereas Aim Americas is the Lead Consultant.
Aim Americas Led Consortium
On November 23, 2016, through Ministerial Resolution No. 414, the PLAN was approved. NATIONAL EMERGENCY DUE TO DROUGHT AND WATER DEFICIT for the 5 capital cities that have been affected La Paz – El Alto, Oruro, Potosí, Sucre and Cochabamba, being its main objective in contribute to regularize, give continuity with quality and effectiveness the drinking water service in the cities of Bolivia, in addition that their actions and results are oriented to safeguard the well-being of the general population.
In this framework, the Ministry of Development Planning and the Ministry of Environment and Water, to through the Vice Ministry of Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation, they carry out the respective financing, before the Inter-American Development Bank, for the conformation of a program called “Expansion and Improvement Program for Sustainable and Resilient Water Supply to Cities”.
In this context, the Expansion and Improvement Program for Sustainable and Resilient Supply of Water in Cities with resources from the Inter-American Development Bank, is implementing the project execution of “EXPANSION OF THE POTABLE WATER SYSTEM VILLAZÓN, POTOSÍ”. Within the project objectives:
- Perform the supervision services of the project “EXPANSION OF THE DRINKING WATER SYSTEM VILLAZÓN”, in charge of the contractor company, enforcing the contract in all its clauses and in strict subjection to the documents that are part of it.
Financing entities are:
- Ministry of the Environment and Water (MMAyA).
- Municipal Autonomous Government of Villazon (GAMV).
- Autonomous Departmental Government of Potosí (GADP).
The Villazon city is in 3,395 meter above sea level in southernmost border of Bolivia, and located along the transport corridor from La Paz to (Bolivia) to Buenos Aires (Argentina).