Batken City, Kyrgyz Republic, November 25, 2016
Following completion of the Contract negotiation for the Consultancy Assignment for improving of Batken City water supply and wastewater network, a Consultancy Contract has been signed between City of Batken and Aim Texas on November 25, 2016 for EBRD funded Batken Water Sub-project with Contract No. C35088/101/1159 under supervision of EBRD Technical Cooperation.

The Contract signing ceremony took place in Batken City Municipality.

The first reconnaissance survey with team leader and other consultant’s team members took place in the week of December 01 – 06, 2016 in Batken city for adequately portray the existing condition of City’s water supply and wastewater system. Following first reconnaissance surveys on wastewater treatment plant, water intake facility and other system elements, the project kick-off meeting has been held on December 06, 2016.