Baku, Azerbaijan, December, 2012
The Solid Waste Collection Program Design Report (the Solid Waste CPDR) submitted in October, 2012 for the Greater Baku Area was reviewed by 22 ministries and four agencies of Government of Azerbaijan, and received positive comments by the ministries and agencies.
The report gives the forecasts on the waste generation in the Greater Baku Area. According to results of the forecasts conducted within the report, in terms of waste generation rates (WGRs) of combined residential and non-residential waste by districts (cities of Greater Baku Metroplex)), while the highest WGR that is in Sabail (1.66 kg/capita/day), the lowest WGRs (0.55 kg/capita/day) seem to be realized in Khazar, Garadagh and Sabunchu districts. While WGR for yard waste in Khazar district is three folds the one for sweeping waste, the ratio of sweeping waste to yard waste is approximately one tenth in Nasimi district. In terms of waste generation by districts, including area cleaning waste, Nasimi contributes the largest proportion of waste generated – 11.54% or 213,371 tons per annum. Khatai produces fairly similar proportion of waste generated – 11.46% or 211,994 tons per annum.
However, it is worth to note despite Khazar seems to produce fairly similar proportion of waste (201,818 tons per annum) to those produced in Nasimi and Kahatai districts, 73.90% (149,148 tons per annum) of waste generated in Khazar is area cleaning waste as it has the largest proportion of city greeneries.
Also, the ratios of MPC in the Residential and Non-residential waste generated in the city are given in the following Table and Chart. Approximately 41.74% of residential & non-residential waste consists of compostable organics, 18.05% consists of paper/cardboard, and 10.39% consists of plastics. Collectively, these primary waste categories account for 70.18% of total residential and non-residential waste generated in the city. The fourth and fifth main waste composition categories are glass (6.42%) and metals (1.48%) are non-compostable.
Approximately 31.42% of MSW (including sweeping waste and yard waste) generated in the city consists of compostable organics, 15.15% consists of paper / cardboard, and 8.57% consists of plastics. Collectively, these primary waste categories account for 55.14% of total MSW generated in the city. The fourth and fifth main waste composition categories are glass (4.78%) and metals (1.20%) are non-compostable.