By: admin
New York, USA, October 08, 2018
AIM TEXAS through its Design Group designed river facility for cleaning and testing, integrated with a River Hiking pass for public use; the goal of which was to combine the environmental function with the public stake via connecting the cleaning of the lake with the post use in natural functions and benefit of the city, use of local labor and material, and have the design act perfomatively for cleaning of the lake, 2019.
The design was located in a river basin and was aimed at providing functional spaces for the residents as well as facilities for river cleaning. The main concept was to develop a performative architectural concept that is proof and development of the concept.
To achieve the long-term sustainability of the project, involvement of the public stake was considered from ground up, as a result, the design demonstrates this connection via integration of an infrastructure underneath, aimed at allowing the natural flow of water to clean the river, and the superstructure which operates as a habitable hiking corridor – covered, semi-covered, and open.