Company’s Approach to Municipal Waste Water Treatment & Management

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Expansion of urban populations and increased coverage of domestic water supply and sewerage give rise to greater quantities of municipal wastewater. With the current emphasis on environmental health and water pollution issues, there is an increasing awareness of the need to dispose of these wastewaters safely and beneficially.

Wastewater treatment is an essential public service. Wastewater treatment plants are large energy users with excellent conservation potential. Wastewater treatment energy consumption will increase in the future due to population growth, increasingly restrictive environmental regulations, and demand for wastewater reuse.

Currently the wastewater treatment industry faces a number of challenges, including urban population growth, the need to treat wet weather flows, more stringent discharge regulations, and demand for water conservation through wastewater reuse.

Municipal wastewater treatment provides an essential community service that is vital for the protection of public health and the environment. Without affordable water and wastewater services, economic growth and the quality of life are diminished.

Use of wastewater in agriculture could be an important consideration when its disposal is being planned in arid and semi-arid regions. However it should be realized that the quantity of wastewater available in most countries will account for only a small fraction of the total irrigation water requirements.

Lack of standardization and site-specific regulatory requirements make it impractical to establish a definitive wastewater treatment baseline in terms of a system configuration or a universal performance metric for wastewater treatment facilities.

Consequently, it is recommended that Municipalities should participate early in the design phase of new plants or major retrofits with support from consultants to analyze the design for base energy consumption. Options for energy efficiency improvements and applicable incentives can then be identified and presented for review by the plant management.

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